Step-by-Step Guide to Performing CPR: How to Save a Life in Emergencies
CPR is the short form for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is an emergency method used when the person is getting short of breath or has no pulse. It is important as it preserves good blood circulation within the body, specifically to the brain and other important organs in its application when a professional intervention is yet to arrive. The main steps included chest compressions and rescue breaths as well as the AED usage.
It is very important for any layperson or trained professional to know the basics of CPR which enables them to act prepared in an emergency situation. Anyone should take the chance and learn the skill to be if not for themselves, then for emergencies and accidents happening in the vicinity. One needs to perform all the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation steps properly to save the life of the patient. We are going to tell you about the steps of CPR in detail.
How to Perform CPR?
CPR is very much necessary in case of any emergency. Today we are going to tell you how to perform CPR step by step. In order to perform CPR, follow these steps
These are the steps of CPR
- Check Responsiveness: Shake the person gently and inquire if he or she is all right.
- Call for Help: Either call emergency services with the help of your or get somebody else to do it for you.
- Open the Airway: This is the first step to position the head slightly backward and lift the chin of the patent to clear the airway.
- Chest Compressions: Position the hands over the center of the chest of the patient and press down vigorously and immediately (at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute).
- Rescue Breaths: If you’re trained, deliver two rescue breaths after thirty chest compressions.
- Continue CPR: Continue doing CPR until professional help arrives, or until the patient begins to breath on his or her own.
Key features to perform CPR on Adults
If trained, give two ventilations To perform CPR on an adult first check to make sure the victim is conscious by shouting asking the man if he is okay then follow it by gentle poking. If no one answers the call you can dial 000 for the emergency services or get a person close by to do so.
Next, lying the person on a firm surface, a person’s head should be tilted backward and the chin lifted up. Begin CPR by placing the heel of one hand over the other and placing the middle of the two hands on the sternum.
Part the chest wall and then retract it at least two inches deep then open the sternum again in every one hundred through one hundred twenty chest compressions per minute. Pray the two should be kept on separate beds to allow carrying out CPR on the one in need until the emergency team arrives.
CPR for Infants and Children Step by Step
CPR in infants and children is a little different from CPR for adults since the size of children’s bodies is small.
CPR for Kids or Children (between 1 to less than 12 years)
- Check responsiveness: Stamp feet, shout their name, shout a 911 number if they will not wake up.
- Open airway: Tilt head slightly back.
- Check breathing: I shall observe for ten seconds, and pick the data that reveals a multi-sensory experience.
- Give 5 rescue breaths: Bend legs at the knees and wrap arms around, cover nose and mouth and give gentle puffs.
- Chest compressions: Place both palms, one over the other in the centre of the chest, depress it to a depth of 1.5 inches. Perform 30 compressions at a rate of 100-120/min.
- Follow 30 compressions and two breaths until help comes in the next cycle.
CPR process for Children of 1 Year upto Puberty
- Check responsiveness: Tap shoulder, call 911.
- Airway management and check for the patient’s breath.
- Give 5 breaths.
- Chest compressions: With one or two hands, perform chest compression at least 2 inches deep, 30 of them.
- Thirty chest compressions, then 2 rescue breaths with little or no ventilation, continue repeating at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute. Use AED if available.